Thursday, November 15, 2007

Art Scene in Moncton

Went to an awesome art exhibit last night. Raymonde Fortin's new pieces radiated such intensity that I felt like I'd had a shot of stamina, vitality and fire. I litterally could have dansed for a couple of hours after seeing them. So here's my theory- perhaps it's not more sugar and caffeine that we need, but more art! It's a much better high besides. No jitteries, headaches and general crankiness to follow.

Of course that made for a seriously good opening night. The energy of the crowd was great. Everyone got off on the vibe and it was beyond a doubt the hottest place to be. Pretty exciting stuff to witness these improvements to the art scene in Moncton. Raymonde also recently won first place in a national competition held by the Bank of Montreal. Way to go, Raymonde!

I met with Marie-Pierre Valay-Nadeau this week about the show. She's the actress that's going to be doing the poetry reading at my art opening this December. We did a test run and I could feel the electricity in the air. I'm used to her voice, but when she used it for her craft it seemed like I was listening to someone else. The control, expression, and all the little nuances of good acting are so powerful. I also like that it's immediate. People who aren't as exposed to the "art world" are much less intimidated by acting. It's all around us with TV and the movies, so I think that's why they trust their feelings and reactions so much more. If uninitiated to visual art, people seem less trusting of their gut reaction.

Back to the studio.

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