Here's your invite. "Growing Roots" is the project I've been working on for the last year. The idea behind it is to encourage reaching out to others. Through dance, poetry, acting, music and my paintings, we're going to show the deeper often secret layers of an individual's personality.
It seems lately that people are getting increasingly isolated because of fear. I think one thing that can help is getting to know someone past the aquaintance stage. It's at that point that we can grow roots, which in turn strengthens our communities and gives us tools to face challenges.
If you're in Moncton on December 12 at 7:00 pm, nourish your community by 'growing some roots" during an evening of art, discussion, and great company at City Hall, 655 Main St. Moncton.
If you're not in Moncton, I'm sure you've found how enriching it can be to "grow roots" or meet people online. I invite you to leave some links either to your own site or to your best internet buddies.
Will be blogging about this soon.
sounds like a wonderful, wonderful event, shayla! i wish i could be there!
here's a link to my art site: http://www.BlueTreeArtGallery.com
and my regular blog:
I have a whole bunch of links of people participating in my art every day month project on my blog which has been a wonderful way to reach out and meet so many wonderful people!
That's true! Whenever I want to meet someone new, I head over to your site. It's a warm, social atmosphere full of great people.
salut Shayla
Je voulais personnellement te remercier pour l invitation a ton exposition de peinture.
j ai énormement aimer ma soiree,plusse a ce que je m attendais.Ce fut une belle experience
que j espere va se reproduire.Tes peintures parlent a notre interieur et nous ramement a
notre réalité.La combinaison du chant,de la dance et du theatre ,etait une merveilleuse idee.
Merci sincerement de m avoir fait partager ce merveilleux moment.
Raymonde Paimpec.
J'ai beaucoup apprecier ton effort mais aussi les performances de Manon, Marie-Pierre et D'Aurelie. Cet amalgame de discipline a ete tres stimulant!
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