The money caught my eye with this contest. Nearly one half million in prizes makes this the biggest paying art competition in the world. It's a people's choice event with voting mostly over the internet, no jury. I think that would be a good competition for artists who's work is accesible, plus virtual popularity couldn't hurt either ;) It's open to all variety of art, all levels of artistic talent so you don't have to be a pro, no limitations. Go here for details : ArtPrize. Yikes, this could get messy! It's supposed to be annual, and I'm watching to see how it plays out this year. Do you think first prize will look like this?
My mother was down and we went shopping for woolies for a coverlet she's weaving. She got some lovely alpaca, very soft and is considering the indigo dye. Here's the London Wul Farm's owner, Heidi's blog.
my goodness Shayla I love your journal page! So vibrant, fun and yet it also felt deep and emotional to me.
I hope that you are enjoying your slow time.
May I ask what oil paints you find good? I thought they all had chemicals in them. I'd love to find a paint I can use. Some water colours are not bad for me - the semi-moist or dry ones - but, as you mentioned once in the past, they don't do much for someone who loves texture.
It feels like playing a xylophone when I want to play a grand piano!
I'm really excited for you that you are able to use these oils.
I look forward to seeing the results eventually. :-)
Hi Liberty, heh! the xylophone/grand piano is the perfect example :D I'm trying M.Graham oils which are just walnut oil, pigment and one other ingredient to keep them from separating. That ingredient doesn't tend to aggravate most sensitive people, but ya never know. For Linseed oil paints I am using regular Windsor and Newton. Old Holland boasts about the absolute purity of ingredients: just oil and pigment. As does Rublev artist's oils. Oils have simpler ingredients than acrylics.
This is very exciting! Thank you so much - I'm going to look into this more.
My past oil paint experience was so brutal that I've obviously made some false assumptions about it!
I don't care how long it takes to dry if I can use it safely :-)
Do you think with just extra oil?
I love the idea of slow art! Even without using oils my painting take a LONG time to get to completion, mainly because I work on them sporadically, when I find time. I love the colors in your new painting.
Liberty, what brand and method did you use last time? The method here is key to my not having a reaction. No solvents. Plus it seems certain colors provoke a reaction (still less severe than acrylics)- perhaps due to heavy metal toxicity in my system. I may write a more detailed post on oils, but feel free to email me for more info.
Bindu-I can see that slow art would work for you. You have time for so many fun adventures that way, and life informs art.
I've heard good things about the Graham paints. I'm happy to know you can use them.
Love you piece!
OMG!! 400K is a LOT of money, not to mention the publicity one can have! I am sure you will enter and hope that you'll win too..that Thomas Kinkade paintings are really something...bet it cost a lot too. Happy painting Shayla :D hugs..M
Your journal page is a happy piece--it just looks so cheerful to me with all those big, bold hues and sweeping layers of color. So glad you are continuing to find supplies that you can use and do no case adverse reactions. I was very interested to see you response to Liberty here in the comments about the contents of oil paints--I too, thought most contained chemicals along with the good ingredients. Love the news about this fun art competition--that's a lot of money! I hope you win if you enter--not Thomas Kinkade ;o) But very much admire your slow approach to most things. Oh, and thanks for adding the Haiku Festival button to your sidebar...We have good many joining in--should be exciting! Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))
wonderful news, Shayla! and of all the mediums out there to choose from, I would have to say you lucked out with one of the best ones! - as you know, I've fallen in love with oils - finding your way with a new way of doing your art is exciting.....xxo
Very interesting contest. Thank you for sharing, Shayla!
I love your journal page- very deep and mysterious.
Binky! How was Artfest? Thanks, I'm excited about them. Oils are even more fun than acrylics.
M. Kate- I know! After thinking about the pros and cons (I don't have an appropriate painting, am getting ready for two shows ,shipping, registration costs etc), I won't enter this year but probably next year. If I do win, I'll be over to visit you, go market shopping, and will lounge in the sun at one of those gorgeous beaches ;)
Tracy, I've been thinking about that the whole thing. Maybe it's because of house paint that we all come to that conclusion. I know oil paint for the house has a horrible effect on me- even before I was sensitive. I've found out that house paint is a whole other story from art supplies. You made me laugh. I think our feelings are similar when it comes to Kincaide's paintings :D
Jeane, yes, they are the best, aren't they? Now I know why they're preferred by so many. I can't quite put my finger on what it is yet- but they feel better.
Mika, thank you. So you guys got that April heat wave too? Wasn't it glorious!
I just read an article on slow design...a sign of the times ...we need more slow.
Gorgeous photos of the wool. I don't knit but whenever I see mounds of wool in wonderful colours like this I drool.
So glad the oil paint is working out, Shayla.
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