Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tell All

"What is the one thing that you know now that you would have liked to have known when you first started to create art?” Good question! Seth, of the Altered Page is taking 'the pulse' online and on Feb 10 is publishing part of his series "Tell All". I'm one of the participating artists, and I told all ;)

Below is my own altered page. Part of my diary. I made most of the page before coming to Vancouver and find it funny to see the Asian Garden in the background. It reminds me of work. And yes, I've become a dancing pig ;)  One of my favorite places to dance in the city is on the 7th floor roof/balcony of the Scotia Bank Dance Center with my class, Ecstatic Dance. I was also at the center last week to see the performance Haptic and Holistic Strata by Japanese artist Hiroaki  Umeda. Unforgettable!


Tracy said...

Ecstatic Dance...oh, that sound like tremendous FUN! And so is your page. Very ironic about the Asian Garden bit on your page... Some foreshadowing of sorts, maybe?! Great to see you back here, Shayla! Vancouver is treating you well is sounds... and hope 2013 is so far too. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

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Unknown said...

So you want me to tell all, huh?
Okee-dokee -JarJar
(as you can certainly tell, dear,
this is RITE in line with our immaturity - not in age, but in psychosomatics).
I'll x-plane later in the broadcast...

Let this be your catalyst to Seventh-Heaven:

'The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

Love him or leave him or indifferent...
better lissen to the Don:
If you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
which most whorizontal demokrakkrs do,
you cannot deny Hellfire
which YOU send YOURSELF to.

Yes, earthling, I was an NDE:
the sights were beyond extreme.
Choose Jesus.
You'll be most happy you did.
God bless your indelible soul.

Unknown said...

So you want me to tell all, huh?
Okee-dokee -JarJar
(as you can certainly tell, dear,
this is RITE in line with our immaturity - not in age, but in psychosomatics).
I'll x-plane later in the broadcast...

Let this be your catalyst to Seventh-Heaven:

'The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

Love him or leave him or indifferent...
better lissen to the Don:
If you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
which most whorizontal demokrakkrs do,
you cannot deny Hellfire
which YOU send YOURSELF to.

Yes, earthling, I was an NDE:
the sights were beyond extreme.
Choose Jesus.
You'll be most happy you did.
God bless your indelible soul.

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