Monday, March 19, 2012

Art Quote Monday- Artist Elaine Amyot

"Being an artist to me means living, and I'm impelled to work. I feel I need to work - and if I don't I feel very at odds with myself and the world. When I do work and I'm happy, when I'm really completely myself, things come out in a rather magical way. Being an artist I think means having had that experience of being at one with everything and feeling at one with yourself. That beautiful feeling is something I try to capture, but of course if you want to capture it you don't. It's a gift, I think, that comes to you."

Elaine Amyot- interview, website gallery

1 comment:

Tracy said...

WOW... beautifully expressed, the ultimate, I think. I especially love this past: "that experience of being at one with everything and feeling at one with yourself"...I feel that keenly myself, and try to express it... which isn't always easy. ;o) Happy week, Shayla ((HUGS))