I just had to share this gorgeous necklace today. Nancy from All Pulped Out was one of the participants in the "One World One Heart" blog giveaway event and this is what she sent me. I didn't enter very many, but I really had my eye on Nancy's piece so receiving this involved a big time happy dance and celebration. When I'm not wearing it, it hangs in my studio for inspiration. She told me that she hammers the metal by hand to get her signature look. It's a lot of work and she can only do a few at a time.
Look at the little pink bead near the middle. It reminds me of a memory. I think maybe a necklace I had of pink stones that had been my mother's when she was a girl, or a bracelet I had of hearts. It's more than the things, though, it's a childhood memory of magic and femininity.
Nancy's website has some more beautiful pieces like this. Look here. She's into several mediums and you can see a variety of them here.
Beverly at How Sweet the Sound is the host for Pink Saturday who is having her own mystery giveaway today and Tristan from Enchanted Revelry is also having a Pink Saturday giveaway. Tristan is an artist I just stumbled upon this morning who loves mixed media, does art quilts and theatre.
Wonderful pinkies today! Thanks so much for sharing. Pink Saturday is always so much fun for me. You get to know the bloggers and also get so many great ideas for your home and for your he♥rt, too.
Wow, Shayla. That piece is fabulous. I love i!
Happy Pink Saturday.
Perfect all the way around. Love the heart the pink beads. I too entered for a chance to win that giveaway how cool to see who won!
Happy Pink Day!!!
Shayla, I love it for all the sweetness and femininity and little girlness wrapped up in a very grownup piece!
Now THAT is some wonderfully glorious pinkness! Love it!
Happy Pink Saturday...
Sheila :-)
Beautiful piece. Just think of the time she spent making that!
Glad you won!
Happy Pink Saturday
Happy Pink Saturday
what a great choice for pink saturday! this is one beautiful piece ... I'm going to peruse her sites - I'm sure my Mom and sis would love something like this for some occasion - I don't think they're fussy about the day. LOL
hApPy PiNk SaTuRdAy!
(and thanks for commenting on my blog so I could find my way here!)
Mimi, happy pink saturday to you.
Beverly, isn't it perfect!
Terri, nice to meet another mixed media artist. I like what you're doing with digital.
Jeanne, that's what I liked too. It is a mature piece, not cloying or too sweet, just right.
Sheila, do magpies like sparklies? ;)
Kris, yes I imagine there are a lot of man hours in it.
Susan- you too! :)
Tristan, your blog is very well named, "enchanted revellry" catches the spirit perfectly. I had fun and will be back.
As a jewelry artist, I can confirm there was a lot of time that went into making your lovely heart. Congratulations on being the winner. It seems it was meant for you.
I have to say that when I saw your Tree of Life on the sidebar, I was instantly reminded of the scene outside my window today. The robins are flocking in and have found a late winter treat on my crab apple tree. It's cranberry-sized fruit had gone mostly uneaten all winter. I am delighted to see that it is being a tree of life for the robins.
That is just stunning! You lucky thing!
That piece is just gorgeous. Happy Pink Saturday..hope you have a wonderful week.
Stunning necklace, Shayla...I love the big heart and all the pink, sweet candy-like beads wired to it! Just about the most perfect necklace I've ever seen...GORGEOUS! Off to see these great links. Happy weekend ((HUGS))
what a beautiful piece..congrats
Lucky You!! I need this bright cheeriness on this snowy morning.. Nancy was very generous!
happy pink saturday! very unique..
Thank you Shayla for sharing these interesting and beautiful blogs. The jewelry piece is awesome and it does definitely bring back the little feminine girl in all of us that have loved pink at one time or another.
what a beautiful piece! (and your writing about memory is beautiful as well)
Pretty heart necklace with the assortment of pink beads. Surely it's full of inspiration :-)
I'm sure it looks great on you shayla! It's a fab creation!
Regina, I still can’t get over Nancy’s generosity. That tree you mentioned sounds beautiful. I love it when the fruit stays on in the winter.
Judy, CC, Lakshmi, Fitty, and Mythoughtsmyvoice, isn’t it! *grins*
Tracy, such praise means a lot. You have a great eye for jewelry.
Gwen, after a white winter a little color does some good, doesn’t it.
Mary, isn’t it great to see things through a child’s eyes? I told myself I wouldn’t forget how, but I often do. Glad to have reminders like this.
Mika, nothing like a good reminisce ;)
Constance, thanks, you’re sweet. It’s so good to see you around again :)
Lovely piece! Happy Pink Saturday!
what a beautiful necklace, you can see a lot of time care and patience has gone into it
: )
Very pretty necklace...yes, I understand why you would hang it in your studio for inspiration...whilst not being worn. It really radiates something lovely!
Beautiful! Love it that it brought
back good childhood memories.
Thanks for stopping by my
blog and looking at the book,
The Persitence of Yellow.
God Bless You and Yours
Your Creative Life!!!
I'm back again to let you know that I've named you for a blog award that can be picked up at my post. http://rgrdesigns.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-award-convenzione-reminder.html
That is one lovely Pink heart necklace!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Belated Pink Saturday! Deanna :D
Feminine and pretty! Well done Shayla, you must be tickled pink...
wow.. more things to get involved in... love the pink beads too..
What a gorgeous necklace, very feminine.
It's very beautiful. Congratulations!
Hey Shayla, thanks!!, for your kind words and eveyones wonderful comments!
I'm so glad my necklace found such a place of honor in you studio.
my art is my meditation,
my therapy.
i enjoy making every piece, with love and happy memories!
enjoy, nancy
Deanna, Claudia, Jane, Jo, Flassie, Regina, Robyn, grrl, Ro, and Bindu, thanks for your visit :)
Nancy, thanks again. Your work is beautiful and now, thanks to my jewelry friends, I have more of an idea of how long it must have taken you to do it.
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