Here's one of the latest in my horizon series. Horizontal lines have a calming effect so they can stimulate feelings of peacefulness. After some thought I realized that this series came about because of my recent illness. That sounds negative, but it really isn't. When we get sick, it's often important to go a little slower, come to a place of peaceful acceptance, and learn how to heal. All of my paintings are about journeys we take in life. Out of necessity this series is more gentle, less urgent.
They're smaller too. If you ever have to limit your activities because of illness, one trick I found was to not tackle something big. Go for smaller pieces. Even ATC sized. IMHO, it's good for your morale because you'll feel a sense of accomplishment. That's better than exhausting yourself with a gargantuan project that doesn't get finished.
When was the last time you gave yourself a break? Sometimes a little gentleness with ourselves can go a long way.
Beautiful work!
Very nice blog!
Btw, I have family in NS...love The Martimes!
extremely wise advice! thanks.
HI Shayla,
This is crazy. I am working on a horizon series also.
I love your piece.
That's such a sane approach to take...
Your painting is really beautiful.. my first response to it was that of An Awakening...
Shayla, zipped over here via Leah at Creative Every Day and just wanted to say I am enjoying your art and blog! Great stuff going on here girl!!
That's a very wise statement you've made. I have all these unfinished projects lying all around me ... I need to focus on small, finite projects too. It will definitely feel better to finish something!
PS. Hope you are feeling better.
I had no idea you were ill... Hope you are feeling better! I love all things small.(I think this is due to my Japaneseness)
Gorgeous painting. It seems to glow from within!
Margie, I enjoyed my stop to your site. You're very prolific. Glad you love the Maritimes- epecially Nova Scotia. I used to live there and loved that the ocean is always handy. Would love to come out to Colorado some day too. You guys have a great art scene from the sounds of it.
Jeane, thanks. Ha, hah- Now if I can remember to keep applying it...
Binky, that's really cool. I can't wait to see what you come up with. This series is for a show I'm doing with a friend and without knowing it, we both started working on a horizon series. There must be something in the air, huh?
Gwen, I like your little fox avatar. He looks so wise. And "An Awakening" is perfect. That's exactly what it's about, and I think I'll call it that if you don't mind.
Hi Karen, glad you stopped in. Your blog is a happy find.
Bindu- I hear you :D There's always a stack of unfinished, isn't there?
Mika, thanks for reminding me that small has some great advantages :)
Seth, thanks for your warm feedback.
oh please do!!
a lovely painting and wonderful advice, working at a smaller size sounds interesting too
: )
This is beautiful...calming, yet the orange/yellow gives a great lift, a sense of hope and joy. Such spirit! I know what you mean about going slow, and that small can be very good. :o) Happy Days on the horizon for you... ((HUGS))
Awakening is Beautiful painting!
Hope You are Feeling better!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
God Bless You and Yours and
Your Creative Life!!!
It's amazing Shayla...just recovering from a break..I need a few days as usual haha :D
Wise words Shayla. Lessons learned on the road to recovery. Your painting is as inviting as a sunrise. Lovely!
This is such a gorgeous piece, Shayla. It doesn't feel negative at all, it feels full of hope to me! And I totally agree about slowing down.
Colorado is truly beautiful and if you ever decide to visit, let me know...would love to meet you!
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