Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2, Diary Post Art for every day month

4x4" mini canvas, work in progress ©SPN

Did/Been- Did a full day's work at the local indie art supply shop; unpacking lots of gift sets and Christmas inventory, calling our list to let them know about the new life drawing date, and settling details for the Chinese Painting Classes I'm teaching this month. 

Back in the Studio-  Used freshly ground Chinese ink for painting in my journal, worked on an unfinished collage, and did a bit of finishing up on the mini canvas above. 

How I felt- Loud bulldozers and construction have been outside since August and tonight they're driving me nuts. Grinding ink for practising my brush strokes was relaxing. Chinese ink has a natural, woodsy scent. It's not chemical perfume, but it comes from the materials. It's a calming ritual before making art and a good transition from busy mind to focused, and creative.

More about Art Every DayLeah Piken Kolidas  started the project 9 years ago. She explains it was, "a challenge to myself to create some art every day for one month and post it on my blog. I was inspired by Nanowrimo and wanted to do something similar with art, and thus Art Every Day Month (AEDM) was born. Posting art on my blog every day helped to keep me accountable and it was fun to share my creations. The following year, I invited people to join in and each year since I've had great groups of creative people committing themselves to more creativity for the month of November with me."


Unknown said...

"freshly ground Chinese ink for painting in my journal" ... this is something new for me. It sounds delightful organic and fitting for journaling.

Sandy Coleman said...

Love the texture of this. Would love to hear more about Chinese ink.

Shayla said...

Thanks, I'll be working on the Chinese ink tomorrow and will post more info and some photos.